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Krupke & Bargteil – May 2011

Rebecca Krupke and Mary Bargteil traded artwork and poetry. Rebecca shared this painting, entitled “Enchanted,” with Mary:

In response, Mary wrote this poem:


Oily skin polishes this knob.
Sentry and solid calling me.

Portal to braces, swim teams,
piano lessons, graduation
gift of a car, retirement funds,
redesigned family room,
boat, club house with Barcelona leather
seat backs at the bar.
Just here, behind here, burnished.

Brush your hand
close. Lean, your ear
warming to the wood.

Get the children.

Here is the key: caramel strands through the
blonde, kings crest in pewter, lightening
striking the wall, pitted bronze knob.

Thick dark braids down her back, her arms
encircle a strong herding dog.
She painted herself in crimson shirt and
dark glowing eyes, following the smiling
shepherd. Turn, stand, raise your arms.

Put your hand into a firepit rather than
reach for a pitted knob. All that follows is

* * * *

Mary shared this poem with Rebecca:


Your bed has been left undressed
for long enough, the undergarment
exposed, slipping off the shoulder.
elastic clustering up white cotton.

When younger, I troubled that you
would be snatched away; unforeseeable
tragedy everywhere. An empty tricycle
at the curb; foot prints racing into
the surf; a school bus driver with
heroin riddled arms; troubled I
would lose you from neglect.

All the while, loosing was taking
hold; learning karate kicks, mud
encrusted bike and you flying over
the handlebars; “Mad Dog” on the
soccer field, red lacrosse cleats and

fearless encounters. No need for
bedtime stories, hugs, talismans.
All the while, loosening; all the while
your liquid movements were scattering
mercury; all the while tendons cabled
and untethered the stanchions.

I dressed your bed today, secured the
elastic, butter soft sheets, fleece
for winter chill. I vacuumed the
carpet, dusted the chess set, and
looked out the window. When I walk by
the door, I imagine both of us elsewhere.

In response, Rebecca painted this, entitled “Lingering Remnants:”

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